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Main » 2012 » July » 14 » Recruit because of the earth system proper proptosis
7:20 AM
Recruit because of the earth system proper proptosis

The reporter realizes in the interview, how enjoy calorie in the bank to help agriculture draw service more conveniently, is a large campesino the forest the subject of concern.In a brief, the service is a bank the calorie close sheet institute the appointment in the village township, village consortium the seller service some cloth to put calorie in the bank to accept the case terminating, to debiting the account calorie the card holder tender petty draw and the business of the balance check.

  For help agriculture draw the workmanship oakley sunglasses sale promote further, the functionary of branch settle in Tienjin in the people bank strike on the spot goes and sees a village financial institution for many times the toil click and seller, thorough village steer investigation.By way of this year operations' making it more have already aimed at sex, branch in Tienjin before soon still deployed 2012 city bank in Tienjin calorie domain shape point operations, enhance village regional banks the calorie accept the case construction in the market, the practical settle village campesino withdraws money a difficult problem.

  The related responsible person recommends to say to the reporter:"In well considering village regional banks calorie in Tienjin to pay atmosphere actual state, actual demand and campesino to thought the foundation of supreme snapback worry, we have already aimed at sex earth constitution improvings calorie in the village bank settle atmosphere operations implementation scheme .The scheme for helped agriculture draw to service to tender unified business operation norms moderate breezes insurance control of measure, drew up calorie in the bank to help the agriculture draw business promotion implementation step and role and publicizee marketing contents and tool etc.."

  Across to go trade have already hoped

  According to the presentation, stick to help an agriculture draw business in the bank, the agricultural bank branch in Tienjin City jumps the gun and has already made experiements to start.The business tries a departure data, the line of released a series of people-benefit measure:Make use of the existing POS terminating prepares authority cheap aviator sunglasses to wait functional foundation at the original tradition consume up raise petty out of pocket expense function;Break through profession debiting the account first the calorie take now a business and gradually extend to across a line to take now;Vs help agriculture draw the business stick with city profession free charge, foreign land profession calorie draw business charge collect anti overbalance profession foreign land exchange charge etc..Meanwhile, it is the line of to still help design constitution the agriculture draw service some marking, expand help agriculture draw to service publicity.Reference:
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