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Main » 2012 » November » 7 » The desire of Han Tuo Bei signs statue objection
10:20 AM
The desire of Han Tuo Bei signs statue objection

Report on the 10th, is waited by"take off north" group the "the objection compulsorily sends back Korea to take off north citizen consociation meeting" the 9th constituting to mean according to Han Lian She, for extensively publicizee"take off north" is compulsorily sent back Korean problem in R.O.C, will halt in China the door of embassy before place "take off north the young girl be like".The organization said that the statue will sign the sidewalk before China halts the jade Ren church door of the opposite of embassy up, and hold an opening while arranging to hold the last time"the objection wholesale YMCMB snapback compulsorily sends back Korea and takes off north refugee catcall" inside the year on December 26 this year.

  "The one who take off north" representative director Jin Gui Hao in the website calls:"Since can halt in Japan legation before establish the young girl bronze statue of comfort woman, so can also establish to take off in front of China embassy north the young girl be like".Report to call, the group keeps on in China to halt after February, this year embassy before demonstrate, but recent clock road area hall in Seoul the bottom reached penal sum to notify, therefore the group will convene a news conference location to change to some park.

  The 10th of central newspaper in Korea said that Korea has held the catcall of "oppose Chinese government compulsorily sends back to take off north residents" for many times since the beginning of this year, front freely advanced party councilman plain Xuan Ying still just China halted embassy's headway to once go to fast.Report to think, Korea when"one chamber Oakley multilens is red-blooded" loudly appeals, should also adopt "vivid carriage".

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  Unified department in Korea arrives after calling the positive boon of gold appear on stage"the one who take off north" play to reduce(round-the-world net)

  The unified department introduces, this year 5 months ago, escaped "the one who take off north" that Korea gets into Korea to add up to 610 people, compared to reduce 42.6% last year same period with 1062 people.Unified department data suggest, this year 1-5 months, get into "take off north" in Korea distinguish are 160 people, 90 people, 116 people, 107 people and 137 people.But last year, arriving"the one who take off north" number is more than 200 people of have 9 months.see more:
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