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Main » 2012 » June » 22 » The national land inspector works in 2011 circumstance
5:35 AM
The national land inspector works in 2011 circumstance

In 2011 national land inspector organization around the center implementation science development view, change economy development way and promote to improve the request of the people's livelihood, with protection farmland the red line for oneself allow, firm set up the principle of "presuming to touch is hard, Be not afraid of to give offense to a person", hard study carry out the center leadership comrade of the importance talk and criticize to show spirit and strictly implement inspector job in the land by law and strengthen to carry out the direct check that management policy in the where to buy Burberry Sunglasses 2012 central land and farmland protect a strategic circumstance to people's government in the place, the inspector work obtains new obvious result.

  A, outstanding whole distanceses take charge of and develop routine inspector to 64 cities 

National inspector organization in the land developed routine inspector to the 64 ground classes of 30 provinces above city and turned and used with the ground with land and collected to the agriculture in 2011, the land offered for sale a supply, land and developed exploitation, farmland and had and repaired a balance, land and enforced the law and inspected to mortgage links like margin,etc to carry on whole distance routine inspector with land.The routine inspector involves the above city of 64 ground classes rules over of 564 counties, totally examine land office file 324,500, involve land area 7,133,300 acres;The on-the-spot pit checks item 43,200 and involves land area 1,552,800 acres.

  In 201164 ground classes of the routine inspector above city BE:Peking City plentiful set area, Tienjin City alongside the sea new area, Hebei protects settle city and gallery shop City, Shanxi province sun spring City and Shuo state City, Inner Mongolia autonomous region pack head City, Liaoning province saddle mountain City and camp City, Jilin province Jilin City and Korea, Yanbian clan autonomy state, Heilongjiang province good wood Si City and Ta-ching City, Dalian City, Shanghai mayor rather area and river bank area, Kingsoft area and treasure mountain area, Zhejiang province Jia interest city and beautiful water City, Fukien province Pu farmland City and rather virtuous city, rather wave City, Xiamen City, Jiangsu province southern City and Suzhou City, Anhui province Wu lake City and Huai is northern city and yellow mountain City, Jiangxi province Ping country City, nine river City, Shandong province Jining City, face Yi City and Ge Ze City, Qiu City, Qingdao City, Henan Kaifeng City, Luo sun City, southern sun City and company, mens sunglasses Guangdong province Hui the state City and Zhao celebrate city and Zhan river City, Guangxi strong clan autonomous region 100 color City and Guilin City, Hainan province three second city, Shenzhen City, Hubei province proper stone City, Chang City, Jing state City and Huang, Hunan province stub continent city and Xiang pond city, Guizhou province Zun righteousness city, finish stanza city, Chongqing city sand ping dam area, longevity area and river Jin area, match Chuan area and glory Chang county, Sichuan province Lu state city, proper guest city, joy mountain city and Guang'an city, Yunnan province Chu male Yi clan autonomy state, big reason white clan autonomy state and Nu river Su Su clan autonomy state, Shaanxi province salty sun city and Yu wood city, Gansu province orchid state city, Ningxia Mosslem people is interborough Wu loyalty city, Qing Lake province west rather city, Xinjiang Wei my Er interborough Urumqi city. 

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